Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012

Next Thursday the 16th of February, will be my final local test. As soon as I am done with that test I will be calling Seattle and we will be making the "all day appointment" at the University of Washington Medical Center. It will be an all day affair with another full series of Pulmonary Function Tests, another Stress Test, and any other tests they can find; including a nicotine test in case I still smoke and haven't mentioned it to them yet (ahem, not). After the tests are completed I will be meeting the surgeons and then I'll have my pre-op appointment. So perhaps we'll be driving home with a surgery date, too!
Here is comes. I am glad that I still have a week before the final test here because I want to prepare for it with more time on the recumbent exercise bike. I was told that for the surgery, I really need to focus on bicycling and arm and core building exercises... I say, what's left? Eyelid exercises?
Oh, and of course, the local test here is going to be a stress test, one of my most dreaded tests. No food, no caffeine, no nothing for 12 hr, only little sips of water allowed.
Sorry for the lack of levity tonight. I am pretty tired... waiting, waiting, waiting.
I know that tomorrow will be better. I will be spending 1/2 of my day at the hospital: working out for an hour, followed by an hour of chair yoga, lunch at the hospital cafe (which I hear is fantastic), and then after lunch it's the Better Breather's monthly club meeting for a couple of hours. So I will probably be a bit tired after all of this; but I am looking forward to it.
Slowly but surely I am getting there. It's funny when I look back. For so long I have been wanting to get this over with, now that I am actually looking at it happening, part of me wants time to slow down.